Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Repeal the Food tax‏

Last year, Peggy Neely opposed the food tax and voted against the budget because of the lack of transparency. Today, Neely pledged to repeal the food tax – a move supported by former Arizona Republican Party Chairman and former candidate for Phoenix Mayor, Randy Pullen.

"Peggy Neely is the best candidate to promote fiscal reform," said Pullen, "Employee pay raises have been given in a time of national and local austerity while city services have been cut. It is time for someone to shine a light on the budget process and make sure that City Hall is serving the taxpayers instead of themselves. Peggy is the right person to get the job done."

"The food tax was proposed on a Monday and voted on a Tuesday," said Neely, "Revenue was found to fill the budget hole before other alternatives were even offered. It is time to repeal the food tax and give Phoenix citizens an honest budget that protects the services that are important to our residents and lives within our means."

Peggy Neely has proposed extensive budget reforms in her comprehensive policy plan titled "The Phoenix We Want," which includes zero-based budgeting, finding efficiencies within all departments, regionalization of public services, and other cost savings.

Source: Peggy Neely For Phoenix Mayor

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